My Dad Believed When No One Would
He wanted me, there was no mistaking
it. He didn’t say it in words but you could cut the pure desire in his eyes
with a knife and still wouldn’t cut through. This was the classic case of
action speaking more than words……He wanted to know ALL about me….couldn’t think
straight I suppose….he would invite me to his office and talk to me about
almost everything under the sun……Some I understood because I have always been
wiser than my years. You see, I was only 16 and in those days, 16 was really 16
or less in exposure. It’s wasn’t like nowadays. I had just been allowed to use
make up and my gosh, did I experiment? It was not unusual to see different
types of “artwork” on my face. And perhaps, because I was young fresh and
UNTOUCHED, the contrast was exciting to him. Did I mention that I was a
PYT(Pretty Young Thing) if I may say so myself……..

I will admit I enjoyed the attention
and we would spend hours talking about almost everything. I lived a pretty
sheltered life and had attended an All-girls school so this was really my first
experience in boy to girl advances. The only one major difference was that this
was no boy….he was a MAN of 50years and my father’s friend; who also was our
landlord! Someone my parents trusted! Someone whose daughter was my best friend
for that season! No one could have known or guessed and I didn’t tell because I
felt no one will believe me or perhaps there was nothing to tell …….yet.
His office was right between our
house and his so it was easy to walk in and out. I was enjoying the attention
alright but I guess I really didn’t understand what I was doing. There was no
money or gift involved. It appeared there was something missing in his life
that my being with him, listening to him gave him. I could see he wanted more
but was perhaps too afraid to ask(I have always been very bold with a sharp
mouth. On the other hand, I had a very
close relationship with his daughter who would inform me of how the Dad wakes
her up in the middle of the night to ask about me and what I said, how I
talked, how I laughed etc. She also started getting uncomfortable and would ask
me pointblank if there was anything going on and I would answer No!
Then there was this day that we went
for a family visit to theirs and midway on the table, he started playing
footsie with me. I thought it was very dangerous, hilarious and ridiculous but
it was clear he was totally obsessed and just could not control himself any
longer( hmmmm, now come to think of it, I wonder how he found my feet under the
table with so many feet there

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There was a particular day he came
to our house at night and I went to open the door. I had no idea my Dad was
coming behind me and neither did he. As I opened the door, he attempted to kiss
me leaning forward , I stepped back immediately and saw my father. My father
may have wondered what was going on that I stepped back and I am sure it would
never have crossed his mind that his very good friend could be obsessed with
his daughter.
My friend, his daughter informs me
on one of our girls talk that her father advised her to stay away from me
because I am a very, very bad girl. I couldn’t believe my ears. I was too upset
for words. I stormed to his office and shouted him down. He had been preying on
me as an older man and then had the temerity to bad mouth me. I asked him to
tell me in what way I have been bad. I screamed and screamed and left his
office and went home.
Later in the afternoon, my Dad came
home for lunch and I served him as usual. Everything appeared normal or so I
thought. By the time my Dad came back in the evening, I was summoned to a
meeting and there I was asked what happened between me and him. Apparently,
fearing that I would report him, he had called my father to tell him that I was
very rude to him. When my Dad came home for lunch and I didn’t say anything, he
didn’t know what to think.
So out came all the gist from the
beginning. My Dad was very angry but not with me…there were insinuations that I
may have been a tease or even encouraged the attention but my dear Dad would
have none of that. According to my Dad, his friend was the adult in this
situation and should have known better! To cap it all, my friend corroborated
my story and even told about all the times her Dad would not allow her sleep
just to hear about me. It was a very messy period and situation but one thing I
would forever appreciate is the fact that my Dad BELIEVED ME AND STOOD BY ME.
ThIs uncomfortable situation led to a series of unpleasant events for his
family but launched us speedily to our own home shortly after.
My Dad’s friend later wrote him a
letter of apology and I have never seen him since then. It was my first
experience of obsession(many stories still remain untold). He was ready to risk
it all for me? Throw it all away for a 16year old uninterested girl. I wonder
what possessed him because it wasn’t me. Perhaps there was a yearning in him
that craved to be sated but it wasn’t gonna happen with me. Though physicaLly,
NOTHING HAPPENED, a lot had happened to my mind as an innocent 16year old. But
what if anything had happened as I know it did for a lot more people.I shudder
to think of what happens to the mind of those who experienced abuse at younger
ages. It’s an experience I am yet to forget fast forward decades later. These
are part of the past issues that still hider/hamper wholesome and healthy
relationships today.
Though my Dad stood up for me on
this occasion, thus write is not for only fathers. It’s for every parent who
has children they are responsible for. Parenting is much more than 9months
pregnancy. We owe our children our listening ear. Let’s learn to listen and
believe our children because a lot of bad gets done and abuse thrives because
Lastly, many atimes, we erroneously
believe the abuser is someone we don’t know or a stranger but the abuser is
usually a relative, cousin, spouse , sibling, friend etc someone we won’t
expect or suspect. Let’s be very vigilant but most importantly, listen to our
children. When we listen and believe our children, we give them the gift of
boldness, courage and trust that money cannot buy.
God help us all.
God help us all.
Copied from Tinuola’s Blog
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