1. YOUR JOY WILL NOT COME FROM MAN: Yes, your joy comes from God...... Not from any man; be it your husband, boyfriend, sibling or earthly father....... Until you connect with God who is the joy giver, man will dictate your mood and you will find yourself wallowing in the pits of sadness often....... Determine that nothing a man does to you will set the tone for how you feel....... Seek the restorer of joy; Look unto God; the author and finisher of your faith.

2. KNOW WHO YOU ARE: You are fearfully and wonderfully made.......You do not need a man to validate who you are or your beauty....... Stop doing everything to gain approval from man....... The irony is actually this; - those who try too hard, get nothing......Try hard to please God..... That's all that should matter.... No matter what you do, those who won't like you won't.... However; you don't need to do anything for those who will love you to love you..... Don't beg for compliments or feel bad if you receive none......If you get a compliment; fine. If you don't; compliment yourself ...... Remind yourself how beautiful, awesome and wonderful you are.........Celebrate the work of God in you. 

3. LOVE YOURSELF: You determine how people love you by how you love yourself........How much you love your self is expressed in how much you value and treat yourself...... So go on, love yourself...... Treat yourself with dignity and respect. This is not pride....... It's what you place a value on that you take care of........Don't lower your value for anyone. Remember, don't cast your pearls before swine; they will trample on it.

4. FIND AND FULFIL YOUR PURPOSE: Contrary to widespread belief, you were not created as a woman only to find a husband, have many children and that's it........ Sadly, a lot of women have wasted too much time finding a husband (getting disappointed and frustrated in the process) while abandoning their life purpose........Some on the other hand have gotten married and spent the whole of their productive life being just a wife and mother, having as many children as possible without finding or fulfilling the purpose God created them for. Please don't let this be you... It's time to refocus..... You are a gift to the world.......There is something God has placed in you that will benefit the world. And God will ask....Remember the parable of the talent?...... Entrance into heaven is not going to be determined by your marital status or how many children you birthed just because you are a woman..... It's time to find that purpose and begin to run with it......it doesn't matter the number of years that have been wasted......It's never too late to start so; begin now...

5. PAMPER YOURSELF: You deserve it! I wonder why women feel too guilty to breathe... Arrange a spa visit...time out with friends with a common purpose, relax....take a long warm bath....buy yourself something new.....just do something for yourself for once...

6. MENTOR SOMEONE: Whether you realise it or not, you have a sphere of influence....someone, somewhere is watching you.....wants to be like you....wants to learn from you.....so you think you are not good enough?.....yes you are........While we won't all have a crowd following us, you can start with one person......encourage someone.....help someone.......you have it in you.....

7. NURTURE GOOD RELATIONSHIPS: Release the bad ones....let them go....... There are some relationships that will suit your progress and the level God is taking you to; so let them go. Some will be envious, jealous or even betray you..... Let them go now!.... Not everyone will celebrate your progress and letting them go will help you grow. You must understand that there are relationships that stifle....these people are not going no where....they see no reason for growth and want you to stay with them.....some don't necessarily hate or dislike you....they just don't understand your journey and it's okay to let them go.....it's your journey not theirs......

8. IDENTIFY YOUR PRAYER WAR ROOM(SPACE): You need prayers to survive in life.......to achieve all you need to be...remember , "we wrestle not against flesh and blood"....don't think you can't pray....everyone can pray.....you may not be able to set aside a room but you can set a time and place...... prayer is a conversation with God!......don't be discouraged by those who boast of fasting for very many days and months when you can barely go without food.......start somewhere......you can get a notebook and list out all your favourite praise and worship songs.........tell God your fears, hopes and aspiration.......schedule a place or time in your home to commune with your maker....with time, you will enjoy spending time with God that you will not realise how long you spent praying.....God knows, God listens ........believe me; prayer is the key......connect with God through prayer.

9. BELIEVE IN YOURSELF: Last but not the least; you have got to believe in yourself to do all of the above....people may mock you and sometimes you may even feel discouraged but you have got to go on......if you don't believe in yourself, no one will believe in you......belief in yourself will give you the fuel to go on when it looks like it's not working.......NEvER quit......if you need to be encouraged , remember God's thoughts towards you are of good, not of evil to give you a hope and a future . Rom 8:16......
Wish you the best of you in 2017 as "the creation waits in eager expectation for the children of God to be revealed" Rom. 8:19.

©Tinuola Agbabiaka


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