Graduating With a First Class at Age 19 is a Miracle!

Jedidah Moses is by all standards an achiever. Yes, she is an amazing an upward-mobile lady whose story continues to inspire hope, courage, strength, determination and faith to pull through whatever obstacle and attain uncommon success. In this edition, Jedidah shares the story of her journey from primary to tertiary institution; but it’s not just the story of the hurdles, poverty, threats, sickness and failure: It’s also that of victory, healing, provision, divine intervention, favour and A-Status Success. Excerpts-

The reason I decided to share the story of my life is to encourage everyone that will read it. Obviously, I have not reached to my zenith; but I am moving steadily on a journey to the fulfillment of my dream.
My father lost his job when I was seven years old and in Primary 4. There was really no hope of furthering my education at the time because my parents used their resources on a house they were building before daddy’s loss of job.
Somehow, help came through the Proprietress of my Primary School (Toluwa Montessori School), Mrs. Bolaji Akanji. She decided to place me on scholarship at that tender age.
What do I give in return? I had no choice but to determine to excel. It was obvious my parents might not be able to fund my education anymore. And since God decided to smile on me by providing help in form of scholarship, I reasoned that it would be foolhardy of me to take my education for granted. So, I had to work hard. True to my dream, my efforts paid off as I emerged the best graduating student at the end of my Primary education. 

My excellent performance inspired my parents to seek a first-class secondary school for me. Their choice was Queens College, Yaba, Lagos. But again, they could not afford it. While they were still contemplating what next to do, God touched the heart of a family friend, the Proprietor of El- Crystal Star Schools, Mr Olusegun Oyeleye, to place me on a scholarship again. And so, throughout my secondary education, my parents never spent a dime on school fees, uniforms or even WAEC fees. At the end of the day, I again emerged the best graduating student for my set, 2009.
I had this long term dream of studying medicine, but I also wanted to attend Covenant University, so I decided to opt for Biochemistry since the institution did not have Medicine as one of their courses.
My experience at Covenant University was indeed no bed of roses. Graduating from Covenant University with a first Class at the age of nineteen, is a miracle, I really can’t exhaust the details.

I got into school with the hope to graduate with good grades, but I never thought I could make a first class degree. After, my Year One first semester in school, I made a 4.84 of 5.00. Of course I didn’t expect to get such, even though I studied hard. That basically was because I felt I was not as privileged as my classmates since many of them came from very wealthy families. The news of my first semester result did give me hope that I could work towards having a better GPA.

At the beginning of my second semester, I was nominated as one of the ‘whiz kids (exceptionally brilliant student)’ of my class, I thought all was well, until one of my classmates confronted me and said, “You will see”. I took it as an empty threat and focused on my studies. But two weeks to the commencement of my second semester exams, I became terribly ill and this lasted till the end of the exam. As a result of this incidence my CGPA dropped.
That was the beginning of my trouble. Falling sick two weeks to each semester exam became a recurrent decimal. And most times I finish the exams with sickness. Another strange trend was that I usually returned to school for each semester at least 3-5 weeks after resumption because of the ever-increasing school fees.

In fact, I had two cases of food poisoning, the last being extremely terrible. At some point I even had partial memory loss in my 200 level; I had my first F in 300 Level because of system error, which was later rectified. I had my second F in 400level first semester; and that was because I was hospitalized during my exams. Knowing that this would mean automatic carry over and extra session, I had to pray and cry to God for divine intervention. I could not afford extra semester/session in school. Where would I get the money? I prayed and God heard my cry. He gave me as I eventually wrote the exam later in the second semester and passed the course in flying colours. I had several occasions of no food, no money, and several incidents I can't even talk about.

In it all, my parents were extremely supportive during those trying times. They stayed fervent in prayer and intercession for me. So, I eventually overcame sickness in my final semester and that semester became my second best semester in Covenant University.

The beauty of it all was that I refused to give up on God. I also kept on reading and studying seriously. Above all, the Lord also had a way of raising helpers for my school fees. He raised encouragers to keep me going and also gave me strength to pull through.

I got my first degree in flying colours; but obviously not by my strength or power. There were times when the Holy Spirit would minister to me on where to concentrate for my exams. Today, I cannot take any part of the glory because when it seemed the way was blocked, He made a way.
I am a living testimony and I can boldly say: “It doesn’t matter the kind of storm you are going through, God is always available to calm the storm.”

Today, I stand tall as a testimony of God’s awesome power to lift up the poor and feeble.  I have not reached my goal; I keep pressing on to fulfill my childhood dreams and I am confident of the fact that He has cleared the way.
Just a word of advice: John Hagee once said “He has not promised us a smooth sailing, but He has promised us a safe landing”. Don’t give up on God in your trying times. Don’t give up on your dreams even when it is physically obvious that you can’t make it. Trust him, stay focused and be prayerful. You will never be disappointed!


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