There Is No Perfect Marriage But...

A lot of people have made comments which has led me to believe that they think I have had it easy in marriage, probably because of the way I write. Unfortunately or fortunately depending on your perspective; I haven't, My wife and I have had our fair share of quarrels and disagreements, some of which threatened the very foundation of our marriage; but because we have God, love, tolerance and understanding we always emerge stronger and closer with a renewed resolve each time to stay happily together until death do us part. We have always reminded ourselves that since we are in this until the end, it will be foolish not to create a happy environment for each other and the kids. I don't know what tomorrow holds for us, but one thing is for sure, we will try to keep our promise to each other that we will not let any issues derail our journey. I am not perfect, I have made mistakes and will probably make more, the important thing is to realise when you have erred and genuinely a...