
Have you ever wondered what stuff a woman is made of? The Holy Writ says she was carved out of a man's rib and given to him as special gift that must be cherished. Again, she came with a special mandate to be a Helpmeet to man; meaning that she is not a beast of burden, a necessary evil or an embodiment of distraction.  In fulfilling her God-given task, she occupies a pivotal place as central actor in the human family, spreading her nest to nurture and shield all that are under her care.
Tough and herculean as her task is, she is often hurt by the same people she loves and seeks to serve. And whereas some have been broken, battered and crushed by the weight of the challenges of singleness, marriage, motherhood, widowhood, career, business, ministry and so on, others have remained positive and undaunted, in spite of the raging storm. Are these made of steel? What is it that keeps them going? What is it that makes some women combine so many tasks all at once? What is it that makes them tick? I searched tirelessly until l found the right word to describe their resilience and uncommon strength.
They are like gemstones. Yes, they are rubies. What is a ruby, you may ask? A ruby can be described as a coloured gemstone; fiery, crystal and captivating. It is a stone of nobility, considered the most magnificent of all. Expectedly, it radiates warmth and a strong sense of vitality. In fact, it is considered the king of gemstones.
One common feature of every gemstone is that it passes through the refining fire and in most cases, the longer it stays in the fire, the more crystal it becomes.
Taking a cue from this, the blog Just 4 Rubies is a magazine dedicated to celebrating women from all walks of life but these are exceptional women, incredible women, positive women, daring and unbeatable women, who in spite of their challenges are great achievers.
It is to celebrate women that are beating the odds, turning their trials and trauma into treasure, rising above their numerous issues in life, career, marriage, parenting, business, governance and society to aspire and achieve.
It is to be a voice for traumatised women and bring their issues to the front burners for advocacy and support.                                                                                                                                                            
It is also to inspire women to be daring and dauntless so they can soar above their limitations and strive for excellence. In addition, it is to help them identity their God-given talents, gifts and abilities and channel these towards impacting others positively.
Lastly, it is to inspire women to be change agents. 

So, l welcome you on board this train of incredible women. If you are one of us, then you are part of the change agents our world needs. You are not an accident! You are a treasure! You are a ruby and this blog is exclusively for you. It's just for rubies! 


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