Great Choices?

The measure of success of a person's life can be said to be directly proportional to the choices and decisions he makes. I have come to realize, after many years of being an entrepreneur, that the areas I had failed was neither due to bad luck, witch-hunting or tough competition but largely due to poor choices.

 A strategic entrepreneur should not make decisions based on emotion or whims but on reality... The areas I had succeeded also, upon careful introspection, were due to strategic planning and action which can be replicated. To cut the long story short, it is important to ask 'what do I need to do in order to make a great decision'?
Though this list is not exhaustive, it's a good starting point...
1. Data collection- Get all the facts and lay your cards on the table
2. Be open minded and have a broad perspective
3. Ask advice of mentor figures or those with experience
4. Consider your gut feeling or instinct
5. Set a road map of where you want to get to or what you want to achieve
6. Think strategically to know which option offers the greatest merit
7. Take a plunge


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