1. YOUR JOY WILL NOT COME FROM MAN: Yes, your joy comes from God...... Not from any man; be it your husband, boyfriend, sibling or earthly father....... Until you connect with God who is the joy giver, man will dictate your mood and you will find yourself wallowing in the pits of sadness often....... Determine that nothing a man does to you will set the tone for how you feel....... Seek the restorer of joy; Look unto God; the author and finisher of your faith. 2. KNOW WHO YOU ARE: You are fearfully and wonderfully made.......You do not need a man to validate who you are or your beauty....... Stop doing everything to gain approval from man....... The irony is actually this; - those who try too hard, get nothing......Try hard to please God..... That's all that should matter.... No matter what you do, those who won't like you won't.... However; you don't need to do anything for those who will love you to love you..... Don't beg for compliments or feel bad if...